Monday, October 22, 2007

Steely Resolve - A Distant Dream for many .

With the next New year fast approaching, i thought it's time to do some self introspection. If my self introspection is going to help you, why not make it a post ?
Do you remember the resolutions you made last New year ?
I know i ll get mixed responses for the above question. Most of you would say 'Yes' and a few would say 'NO'. And even those people with a positive reply wouldn't really have stuck to their resolutions.
The grassroots of the problem lies with us. We either find it difficult to comply with the resolutions or mercilessly forget it. A popular survey states that people do not want to be singled out, or in other words want to take up resolutions as a group and live up to it as a group. But is this possible ?? Not at all. Every man's resolutions is centered around his life and in most cases will not match with any other fellow being's resolution.
So in the first place stop having such notions. It is your life and you have to face it.
Secondly, keep reminding yourself that you have some resolution and you have to do justice to it. Finally, do not try to convince yourself when you aren't able to live up to it for a day. The reason is, convincing will become a habit and one fine day you will forget what you resolved.

In spite of such debates and suggestions, Steely resolve remains a distant dream for many.... even to the author of this blog.
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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Are you unpopular in your social circuit--- Try lending your ears ?


As promised earlier, i am coming up with my personal articles for you folks. Now don't ask me wherein my blog , i promised such things. Well i am not the only person to exhibit fallacy in this whole blogging world ..he he .
Well lets get on to the topic. We people in our own social circuits , are a witness to people being disliked for many reasons. Sometimes we ourselves are the victims.
The most prominent reason for such unpopularity is the impatience we showcase to talk. We want to keep speaking ..on and on and on. Well speaking , in itself is not the problem . The problem is not caring for the other party's speech. Whenever anybody is speaking , you tend to be preparing to speak rather than listening carefully. For that matter this is the problem with 90% of the people. Unfortunately only few are neglected.
Hmmm .. so what's the solution ????
Simple.. here on , lend your ears and care for people's opinion. Let them finish their talk, then you can proceed with a clear mind. This will earn you good repute. Your friends will love to share things with you .. coz they want a passive listener to share their problems with.

If lending your ears , will earn your popularity , do it because it is worth it ..... Isn't it ??

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Hello Everybody. I am a student of Commerce with great interest for Blogging and Music. Blogs have always fascinated me & hence i am here to experiment a few things. Hope you enjoy my blogs.


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