As promised earlier, i am coming up with my personal articles for you folks. Now don't ask me wherein my blog , i promised such things. Well i am not the only person to exhibit fallacy in this whole blogging world ..he he .
Well lets get on to the topic. We people in our own social circuits , are a witness to people being disliked for many reasons. Sometimes we ourselves are the victims.
The most prominent reason for such unpopularity is the impatience we showcase to talk. We want to keep speaking ..on and on and on. Well speaking , in itself is not the problem . The problem is not caring for the other party's speech. Whenever anybody is speaking , you tend to be preparing to speak rather than listening carefully. For that matter this is the problem with 90% of the people. Unfortunately only few are neglected.
Hmmm .. so what's the solution ????
Simple.. here on , lend your ears and care for people's opinion. Let them finish their talk, then you can proceed with a clear mind. This will earn you good repute. Your friends will love to share things with you .. coz they want a passive listener to share their problems with.
If lending your ears , will earn your popularity , do it because it is worth it ..... Isn't it ??
Mail me at zizou21soccer@yahoo.co.in
i came across ur blog .. gr8 posts ... lending ur ears was first class..
Nova Jeeves
lemme knw if am popular.....
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